When it comes to weight loss surgery, several bariatric procedures are available, each with its advantages and considerations. These procedures include:

Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)

A major piece of the stomach is removed during gastric sleeve surgery, resulting in a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This treatment limits the amount of food that may be ingested while also decreasing the generation of hunger hormones. It is a highly efficient weight loss operation that is typically regarded as irreversible.

Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass)

Gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and bypassing a portion of the small intestine. This procedure restricts food intake and reduces calorie absorption. Gastric bypass is considered both restrictive and malabsorptive and is typically irreversible.

Which bariatric surgery is for me?

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Qualifying for bariatric surgery involves meeting specific criteria set by medical professionals to ensure that the procedure is safe and appropriate for an individual. The specific qualification requirements may vary but generally include:

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Individuals with a BMI of 40 or above, or a BMI of 35-39.9, plus obesity-related health issues such as diabetes or hypertension, are often considered candidates for bariatric surgery. However, an individual review by a healthcare practitioner is required to determine eligibility.

Failed Attempts at Weight Loss

Candidates for bariatric surgery must demonstrate a history of unsuccessful attempts at losing weight through traditional methods such as diet and exercise. This requirement underscores the commitment to long-term weight management.

Physical and Psychological Evaluation

Individuals will be evaluated thoroughly before undergoing bariatric surgery to determine their physical and psychological preparedness. This evaluation may involve medical testing, expert consultations, and mental health exams to ensure applicants are ready for surgery and post-operative lifestyle modifications.

Commitment to Lifestyle Changes

Weight loss with bariatric surgery is not a fast remedy. Candidates must be willing to undertake long-term lifestyle changes, such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining frequent contact with healthcare specialists. Commitment to these changes is critical for good outcomes.

Finally, the ideal bariatric surgery relies on individual circumstances, medical examination, and objectives. Among the most prevalent procedures are gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and adjustable gastric banding. While sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass are usually irreversible, adjustable gastric banding allows for reversal. 

Final Note

Meeting specified requirements relating to BMI, past weight loss attempts, medical and psychological tests, and a commitment to long-term lifestyle adjustments are all required to qualify for bariatric surgery. It is critical to consult with a healthcare practitioner specializing in bariatric surgery to evaluate the best treatment and eligibility for weight reduction surgery.